A Letter from GOA's Executive Director Michael Nachbar

GOA was founded on the principle that, by connecting young people around the world, we could create a place for students to share their local and personal perspectives to learn from one another. In our classes students see that we are each impacted differently by ideas and events, and they understand where others are coming from and how that might inform or change their own views. Through shared understanding, they experience empathy.

In the face of injustice and racism, education is a vehicle for change. We believe that education is about connecting people, and there is no more important time for us to connect than now. We're committed to forming deeper relationships with all the educators and students we serve. Our work is not only to provide the platform for connection, but also to empower students and educators through that platform to advocate for change.

Education provides an opportunity to create a future generation of compassionate and critical thinkers, something we need more of on the planet. Our mission calls for us to reimagine learning, which includes reimagining some systems and structures to create a more socially just world in which students and educators can thrive. We fully support those who are committed to equity and justice, and deeply appreciate the work of our students and educators in the GOA network who, every day, lift up voices, learn, and stay actively engaged.

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