Learning Pathways
Engage in a Deeper Learning Experience
Students who pursue a Pathway Certification from GOA learn deeply about their own interests, preparing them to declare a college major or explore careers they might want to pursue in the future. These students are further able to distinguish themselves and create opportunities for sharing their unique learning journey in the college admissions process.

Explore a range of creative disciplines and learn basic design principles, color theory, critical thinking, and artistic techniques.
Business, Economics & Finance

Study diverse aspects of business, economics, investing, and finance to gain a better understanding of markets and current affairs.
Computer Science & Engineering
- Computer Science I: Computational Thinking
- Computer Science I: Computational Thinking (Middle School)
- Computer Science II: Analyzing Data with Python
- Computer Science II: Game Design & Development
- Computer Science II: Java
- Cybersecurity
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
- Problem Solving with Engineering & Design

Gain an understanding of computer software, hardware, human-tech interaction, and its societal impact.
Global Studies
- Applying Philosophy to Global Issues
- Arabic Language Through Culture I
- Arabic Language Through Culture II
- Arabic Language Through Culture III
- Capitalism: Past, Present & Future
- Climate Action & Sustainability
- Discourse Across Difference
- Entrepreneurship in a Global Context
- Genocide & Human Rights
- Global Health
- International Relations
- Japanese Language Through Culture I
- Japanese Language Through Culture II
- Japanese Language Through Culture III

Develop your knowledge of the world and the major contemporary issues confronting humanity.
Health Science

Learn more about medical problems and advances, analyzing human behavior, nutrition, and environmental health.
Justice, Ethics & Human Rights

Explore issues and topics related to justice, human rights, philosophy, and ethics.
Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning

Learn how to take real-world problems, translate them into the language of mathematics, and solve them.
Psychology & Neuroscience

Better understand how we think, act, and feel by learning about human behavior and the nervous system.
Earn a Pathway Certification
A GOA Pathway Certification prepares students to declare a college major or explore careers they might want to pursue in the future. These students are further able to distinguish themselves and create opportunities for sharing their unique learning journey in the college admissions process.
Students seeking to demonstrate depth of interest and expertise in a field of study can pursue one of GOA’s eight pathways to earn a Pathway Certification.
When a student earns a Pathway Certification, a digital certificate is issued by GOA that includes a list of courses the student has taken, the competencies mastered in those courses, and provides context about the specific Pathway Certification earned. Schools will continue to record grades from GOA courses on the school’s transcript as well.
In order to earn a Pathway Certification, students must take three (or more) courses from a particular pathway. GOA’s eight pathways are Art, Media & Design; Business, Economics & Finance; Computer Science & Engineering; Global Studies; Health Sciences; Justice, Ethics & Human Rights; Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning; and Psychology & Neuroscience.
Please note: Not all courses are included in a pathway and some courses are cross-listed in more than one pathway. All courses eligible for Pathway Certification must be completed through GOA.
Earn a Global Learning Certification
Students who take three (or more) GOA courses no matter the pathway will earn a Global Learning Certification. This certification includes a list of courses the student has taken and the competencies mastered in those courses. All semester, yearlong, and summer courses will count toward a Global Learning Certification.
Explore your interests with students around the world.
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