AI in Education

Why AI in Learning?

We aim to leverage AI as a catalyst for innovative teaching and learning. As we work closely with educators, we collectively envision a classroom landscape where AI doesn't replace, but augments teaching, placing students firmly at the center of the learning process. Join us on this journey as we continuously learn, iterate, and shape the future of AI in education.

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AI-Centric Offerings

Explore GOA's range of AI-centric, dynamic learning experiences for educators. Engage with cohort-based learning opportunities spread over monthly Zoom sessions for collaborative strategizing, dive into hour-long Workshops for active interaction, and choose from facilitated or self-paced Courses tailored to your learning pace.

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Immersive Workshops for School-based Teams

Engage in hands-on workshops designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI's role in education. Explore sessions including "AI and the Future of Education," "Introduction to Assessment Design with AI," and the NEW! half-day, in-person "Educator Practice in the Era of AI" workshop.


Explore curated resources and articles from GOA's Insights blog to enhance your understanding, discover innovative strategies, and find inspiration for transforming learning experiences in your community.

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  • Thank you again for your help in sup­port­ing the intro­duc­tion of AI to our teach­ers. Giv­en the far reach­ing appli­ca­tions of AI and its poten­tial on edu­ca­tion, this may be one of the most trans­for­ma­tion­al pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment work­shops at UNIS in a generation.” Antoine Delaitre High School Principal, United Nations International School
  • What a won­der­ful foun­da­tion­al expe­ri­ence on gen­er­a­tive AI and edu­ca­tion. I sus­pect that I’ve seen about a dozen webi­na­rs or online work­shops on this top­ic, and your ongo­ing theme of dual­i­ty as it relates to this inflec­tion point was one of the most bal­anced, engag­ing, and thought-pro­vok­ing ses­sions I’ve had the plea­sure to wit­ness. Kudos!“ David Boxer Chief Information Officer, The Blake School
  • I am con­fi­dent we met the intend­ed out­comes, even as we know there are still a wide range of emo­tions when it comes to AI. We are becom­ing more famil­iar and informed, some­thing that is crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant to help inform how we inter­act with it as a school and as edu­ca­tors mov­ing for­ward. I have sin­cere­ly enjoyed part­ner­ing with you all and look for­ward to find­ing more ways we can work togeth­er in the future!” Sarah Beck Assistant Head of School for Academics, The Potomac School

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