The Top Ten GOA Blog Posts of 2018

It's been an incredible year at GOA, full of new experiences, partnerships, and ideas. We used our Insights blog to share our work and research, writing dozens of posts as we designed meaningful learning for students and educators.

Which topics captured the attention of our readers? Here are our ten most-read articles of the year. Revisit posts you've read, or discover ones you may have missed!

  1. How to Design a Competency-Based Assessment
  2. 10 Education Predictions for 2018
  3. How to Design for Learning: Four Approaches to Nonlinear Curriculum
  4. Four Innovative School Models Every Leader Should Know
  5. Noncognitive Competencies are Important. How Should We Measure Them?
  6. Four Design Principles for Introducing Mastery Learning
  7. The Five Essential Skills Teachers Need to Lead Competency-Based Learning
  8. Meet Our Catalyst Conference Student Award Winners
  9. Six Questions We Should be Asking About the Future of Learning
  10. 35 Ideas and Resources for Learning Now

Want to experience these ideas firsthand in 2019? If you're a teacher or school leader, register for one of our online Educator Courses or join us in June for our signature in-person event, the Learning Design Summit.

If you're interested in membership in GOA, which offers you full access to our Student Program as well as free enrollment in online Educator Courses, inquire here. For ALL high school students, we offer short flex courses and have opened registration for our summer courses.

To stay updated on GOA news, events, and publications, subscribe to our email list below and follow us on Twitter. We look forward to connecting with you!

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