Shifting Educator Practice

Impactful, Relevant Professional Learning

Help your teachers and leaders thrive. Amplify your school’s capacity through GOA’s global network and expand relevant, skills-driven learning experiences.

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Courses and Workshops

Engage in collaborative experiences, individual explorations, and coached opportunities. Each avenue is designed to expand and elevate your practice.

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PD for Schools

Delve into in-person, online, or hybrid partnerships for your school team, ranging from half-day and full-day workshops to year-long collaborations. Consult strategically with our experts to gain comprehensive insights into effective teaching practices and strategies that align with your school's unique strategies and goals.

Explore PD for Schools
  • Thank you again for your help in sup­port­ing the intro­duc­tion of AI to our teach­ers. Giv­en the far reach­ing appli­ca­tions of AI and its poten­tial on edu­ca­tion, this may be one of the most trans­for­ma­tion­al pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment work­shops at UNIS in a generation.” Antoine Delaitre High School Principal, United Nations International School
  • It’s rare to find an immer­sive pro­fes­sion­al learn­ing expe­ri­ence that hits the just right’ of an intel­lec­tu­al reboot — where you are free to engage from both your posi­tion of pro­fes­sion­al mas­tery and your inner curi­ous stu­dent — and to do it with laugh­ter, cama­raderie, and the res­o­nance of con­ver­sa­tions that con­tin­ue well after the clos­ing session.” Erin O’Grady Upper School Faculty, Greens Farms Academy
  • You have to invest in pro­fes­sion­al learn­ing to get mean­ing­ful out­comes, and some­times that means bring­ing in out­side experts. GOA pro­vid­ed the part­ner­ship we were look­ing for, and they did a tremen­dous job — so much so that we part­nered with them again.” Samuel Mormando Garnet Valley School District (PA)