
Use data to help students thrive.

GOA's Data Action Reporting Tool (DART) generates user-friendly reports to make student support more effective and efficient.

As more students move to online learning, more data and analytics exist that help shed light on student performance. At GOA, we've proven that surfacing critical data for key members of the student support team helps them identify student challenges sooner and promote student learning more efficiently.

We know that educators should spend less time looking for data and more time acting on it. With DART, we share our reporting tactics to help schools better leverage the information now available to them for the benefit of their students.

What is DART?

DART is a reporting tool linked to school’s Learning Management System API. It generates automated email reports that capture and organize student data like grade averages.

Data Action Report­ing Tool (DART)


LMS platforms collect useful data, but it can be hard to find. Teachers, advisers, coaches, and other stakeholders need a “quickview” of student information that will help them make data-driven decisions. Integrating DART into your student support systems ensures that the
people best equipped to act on student data can receive it in a clear, organized format. DART allows you to customize:

  1. Which student information is gathered.
  2. To whom it is sent.
  3. How often it is sent out.

Learn more about how schools are using DART.

Infographic of four users for DART: Coaches, Advisers, Administrators, Teachers

How does DART work?

DART is easy to integrate into your LMS and has a user-friendly interface for creating and editing reports. GOA will provide technical support and training as part of your DART launch, and we'll stay connected with you as you work with DART, collecting your feedback and keeping you informed about updates to DART.

Update on DART

We're currently not accepting new schools to implement DART, but we're more than happy to discuss its features and benefits, as well as its impact on student learning. If you're interested in learning more about DART, please contact us at A member of the GOA team will connect with you to share insights, experiences, and lessons learned from schools using DART.

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