Ask Me Anything Live Event Recap: How Do We Rethink Time and Space?

On March 23, 2022, GOA held a live online event as part of the Ask Me Anything live event series. Moderated by Sara Tahir, Associate Director of Professional Learning at GOA, the event featured a panel of visionaries in the field of professional learning who reflected on rethinking time and space and the impacts on student learning. Joining Sara on the panel included Bonnie Lathram, Director of Professional Learning at GOA; Dr. Catlin Tucker, bestselling author, blended learning coach, and education consultant; and Kareem Farah, Co-Founder and CEO of the Modern Classrooms Project.

Panelists - Ask Me Anything: How Do We Rethink Time and Space?

The discussion started with the panel acknowledging that online learning has been around for a long time. But, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the past two years have really brought online learning into the spotlight and, in some ways, forced many teachers to develop new skills like facilitating online discussions and learning how to create video content and engage students around that.

While it may not have been an easy transition for all, it has opened the door to rethinking time and space in learning. We as educators should continue to hone and develop these skills to be nimble in our approach to teaching so that students can thrive in an online, in-person, or hybrid classroom.

At the end of the discussion, the panelists provided starting points for individual teachers who might be looking to rethink time and space in their classrooms. Watch the full event recording here.

Learn more about rethinking time and space:

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