

How does edu­ca­tion in Japan impact the cul­tures and the norms of the Japan­ese society?”

, Mizuho — The Amer­i­can School in Japan

How can AI stream­line stock selec­tion by ana­lyz­ing mar­ket trends and pre­dict­ing future per­for­mance with greater accuracy?”

, Yassin — Amer­i­can School of Dubai

What local health ser­vices cur­rent­ly exist in Min­neso­ta? How read­i­ly are Min­nesotans able to access avail­able health­care ser­vices and are they aware of those services?”

, Rhea — Blake School

Design­ing Authen­tic, Stu­dent-Led Learn­ing Expe­ri­ences — Jan­u­ary 26, 2024 Live Event

Rethink­ing Assess­ment in the Era of AI — March 22, 2023 Live Event

Why is it impor­tant to take care of our men­tal health and how does exer­cise increase well-being in order to move towards a more pos­i­tive life?”

, Lulu W. — Greens Farms Academy

How can train sta­tions be redesigned to be more sus­tain­able while also being pro­duc­tive spaces that pro­mote the use of pub­lic transportation?”

, Michele H. — Men­lo School

The Psy­chol­o­gy Behind Consumerism”

, Jas­min S. — The Inter­na­tion­al School of Prague

How can schools fos­ter safe envi­ron­ments for peo­ple with autism and how can we high­light the beau­ty in the autis­tic community?”

, Col­igny D. — Catlin Gabel

How can music be used to main­tain health and pro­mote heal­ing in the brain?”

, Luca M. — The Down­town School

How can sus­tain­able food waste solu­tions be imple­ment­ed in com­mu­ni­ties and households?”

, Jere­my A. — West­ern Acad­e­my of Beijing

Col­lab­o­rate on the process, not the prod­uct, Eric Hudson