Course Catalog

Computer Science I: Computational Thinking (Middle School)

  • Semester 2 2024-2025

    Jan 8, 2025-April 25, 2025 For Members Register

Course Overview

This course (or its equivalent) is a prerequisite to all Computer Science II classes at GOA.

Computational Thinking centers on solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior. It has applications not only in computer science but also a myriad other fields of study. This introductory-level course focuses on thinking computationally, especially understanding how computer scientists define and solve problems.

Students begin the course by developing an understanding of what computational thinking is, how it can be used to solve problems, and why it’s a useful skill for all people to cultivate. Within this context, students are exposed to the power and limits of computational thinking.

Students will then be introduced to entry-level programming constructs that will help them apply their knowledge of computational thinking in practical ways using a variety of languages and resources. They will learn how to write HTML and CSS to make a basic website, use a block-based language to create an app, make connections between block-based and text-based languages, and write interactive programs using Python that culminates in a choice-based final project, using their new computational thinking skills.

By developing computational thinking and programming skills, students will have the core knowledge to define and solve problems in future computer science courses.

This course will feature weekly synchronous calls.

Students in GOA courses will need reliable access to a computer with webcam/microphone connections, an email address (preferably school-based), a Web-conferencing app (GOA courses use Zoom), and a Word processing app (GOA courses use Google’s G Suite). When necessary, alternative arrangements may be made. Some courses require additional materials which can be found here.

NCAA-approved course

UC-approved course

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