Course Catalog

Discourse Across Difference

  • Semester 2 2024-2025

    Jan 8, 2025-April 25, 2025 For Members Register

Course Overview

Our increasingly interconnected, globally networked society presents us with complex social, political, and ethical dilemmas. This course equips students with strategies for engaging such issues through constructive dialogue focused on building understanding across differences. Through structured conversations, debate, rhetorical analysis, and guided reflection, students will gain skills for having difficult yet thoughtful dialogues. They will learn how to carefully evaluate multiple perspectives, make evidence-based claims, ask insightful questions, take others’ viewpoints into account, and seek common ground.

Specific topics examined may include technology’s impact on privacy, environmental sustainability, social justice reform, and other current events that are sure to emerge! By practicing perspective-taking, identifying shared goals, and finding compromise, students will be able to have productive conversations even when they disagree. The course aims to foster civil discourse, strengthen critical thinking abilities, and build understanding across diverse perspectives. Students will emerge better prepared for responsible civic participation and prepared to thrive in a globally networked society.

Students in GOA courses will need reliable access to a computer with webcam/microphone connections, an email address (preferably school-based), a Web-conferencing app (GOA courses use Zoom), and a Word processing app (GOA courses use Google’s G Suite). When necessary, alternative arrangements may be made.

NCAA-approved course

UC-approved course

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